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New Book: There's a Whole in The Sky



Book Synopsis

From the moment their daughter Luna was born, Tom and Claire realized Luna could see things that others around her could not. As Luna grew older, she spoke about her trips with what they thought was an imaginary friend to non-earthly realms. Claire and Tom would discount and discourage Luna when she talked about events that hadn’t yet happened and being visited by spirits that had crossed from the Earth plane.

Luna’s eccentricity had not gone unnoticed by her grandmother Anna, for she too had a secret that would eventually be revealed to the family.

Luna’s contact with her astral guide ends as she enters junior high school, and is was left alone to grapple with her spiritual mission. Shortly after high school graduation, Luna is led to the Southwest where she meets a Native American Indian elder and finds the path that she will follow for the rest of her life. 

Luna’s journey captures the tension that sharing her other-worldly experiences creates with her parents, teachers and peers. But in the end, it also provides Luna a healing through self love and the understanding and acceptance of her life’s purpose. 

This book appeals to readers who are interested in spiritual lessons, insights, and awakening one’s life purpose. The story is filled with paranormal experiences and mindful teachings for self awareness.

You can email me at info@dream-flowerconsultant.com  or call me at 508-873-3608.



book signings and lectures

Here are my book signing lectures dates please feel free to join me.

June 9th 1-3pm

Charlton Library

Main St.

Charlton, Ma


June 23 1-3pm

Generations Gift Store

Main St.

Oxford, Ma 508 987-3310


June 26th 6:30 -8pm

Sturbridge Library

Main St.

Sturbridge, Ma


July 18th  3-4pm

Jacob Edward Library

Main St.

Southbridge,  Ma


July 18th 7-8:30pm

Oxford Library

Main St

Oxford, Ma


July 28th 3-5pm

Booklovers Gourmet

East Main St.

Webster, Ma


August 18th 1-3pm

Tatnuck Bookstore

Westborough Shopping Plaza

Rt 9 and Lyman St.

Westborough, Ma


Sept. 3rd 9am-4pm

Old Home Day

Main St.

Charlton, Ma


Sept. 8-9th

Nipmuc Pow Wow

Holland Ma.


Sept, 29-30 10am-5pm

New England Living Expo Fair

Sturbridge Host Hotel



Nov.10th 10:00-3:00pm

Christopher Heights

Thompsom Rd

Webster, Ma.